Rub a Dub Chub

A large, lively chub is by far, my favorite of all live-bait options for Walleyes. It’s true, big bait does equal big fish. If they were readily available during the summer months, and easier to keep alive: I can guarantee you that my boat would never leave the trailer without them.

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Reservoir Reversal

Ever notice how when targeting walleye’s on larger Reservoirs, the action will steadily improve to a fever pitch as early Summer progresses, only to seemingly come to an abrupt stop over the course of just a few days. This is particularly true in Reservoirs that are deep enough to support large forage bases such as Shad, Smelt, and even Herring.

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Dog Day Dilemma

The dilemma many us face during the Dog Days of August and September is whether to expend the time and energy (not to mention the sweat) chasing Walleyes during a period that typically isn’t thought of as conducive to catching large numbers of fish.

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Reflections on the Dog Day Dilemma

Once the calendar rolls around to August and September, fishing for walleye’s on most bodies of water becomes decidedly tougher. The weather is typically hot, often muggy, and most folks experience sporadic success…often at best. There are a variety of theories and excuses as to why this is-interestingly-most of them hold little water… The common conclusion ends up being; the fish are just not biting.

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Reel Weeds | Sodak 2010

For Ice Fisherman, once the calendar rolls over to a new year, we begin to enter what most would could consider the mid-ice period of our ice fishing season. Maybe just a little earlier or later, depending upon what part of the country you live in; but nonetheless having a reputation for the fishing becoming a bit tougher than at first ice.

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ReelWeeds | Sodak ’07

It’s official-winter is now upon us. Time to think positive, as the days will start getting longer and best of all we have ice! Deer season is over, the ducks have followed the retired folks south, and you should have shot your fill of pheasants by now. As a sportsman there is but one pursuit to focus on and that is of course, ice fishing.

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Quality Electronics Aid Search

In a previous column, I tried to emphasize just how vital it is to “hunt” fish with the assistance of high quality electronics. Notice I do not use the word depth finder, as what we have available today is so much more. In reality, the top shelf units are truly multifunctional units…offering sophisticated and highly sensitive sonar, combined with amazingly accurate GPS capabilities, overlaid on detailed background maps.

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Pre Spawn Reservoir Walleye Location

What I am going to relate to you are some basic guidelines to locating Pre Spawn Walleyes in Reservoirs. I’ll focus on areas that concentrate active and therefore catchable fish. Most of this knowledge was gleaned from fishing the impoundments of the Missouri River, but these rules will easily apply to all types of Reservoirs, regardless of the region they are to be found.

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Pheasants or Fish?

This is a question that those of us in the Dakota’s face each fall. Unfortunately, most of us choose the Pheasants to the point of complete exclusion of the fish. I’m forced to admit that I am also often guilty of this. If we can force ourselves to put down our shotguns for a day or two and risk alienating our trusty hunting dogs, the best fishing of the year often awaits us.

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Path of Least Resistance

A fact that most of us are aware of-but nonetheless need to reminded of-is that all creatures are by nature opportunistic…and will always take the path of least resistance to whatever they are seeking. There are two overriding biological forces constantly at work
in all animals, including humans.

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