Midwest Gundog Kennels
ExperienceEquals Excellence
Midwest Gundog Kennels is one of the longest tenured gun dog facilities in the Midwest, with more than 30 years in the business. Located in Foreston, Minnesota, we’ve produced titled dogs in both field trials and hunting.

About Us
We love gundogs. After decades in the business, we’ve seen it all and are passionate about what we do. In addition to training, breeding and boarding dogs, we regularly do speaking engagements focused on gun dogs.
We offer an in-depth understanding of training techniques and problem solving for each individual dog.
Obedience Course
We teach the basics to get any dog under control including Sit, Come and Heel. Available for any and all breeds, we equip pets and their owners for success.
All Around Gundog Course
Pointing dogs will learn obedience, retrieving and steadiness as well as versatility in water and the uplands. Retrievers will be trained in these skills along with multiple marks.
Pointer Hunt Test Training
This training includes obedience, retrieving, pointing, steady to wing and shot, honoring other dogs, and tips on hunting tests.

While he specializes in gundogs, Tom has an extensive background in hunting as a guide, published author, radio personality, and founder of Focus Outdoors TV.
Speaking Engagements
Tom has presented at Pheasant Fest, Game Fair in Anoka MN, the Northwest Sport Show, St. Cloud Sport Show and many others throughout the midwest.
As the owner of Midwest Gundog Kennels Tom trains pointing and retrieving dogs to titles in AKC hunt tests, field trials, NSTRA, NAVHDA and several hunting titles.
A Word from the Hunting Experts
Contact Us

At Our Offices
146 150th Avenue
Foreston, MN 56330