

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

KISS is a widely known acronym for Keep It Simple Stupid and it seems to have special (although often overlooked) meaning in many aspects of the lives of those like myself who tend to overthink and over-do far too many things. Occasionally it does hit home, but usually after the fact and becomes another lesson not learned soon enough, often forgotten, and with a need to be re-learned more than I care to admit

In-Line Attractors

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

With all of the uncertainties of early Spring (unpredictable weather, spawning, baitfish runs, etc.) behind us, we can now concentrate on putting some firm and relatively reliable late Spring and early Summer patterns together as walleye’s will become much more responsive and begin to feed in earnest.

Night Your Walleye Ice Bite

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

As we begin to enter the months of January and February; the Walleye bite tends to become a bit spotty at best. The initial willful abandon that the fish show at first ice is long gone. This is due to the fact that they are no longer on a feeding binge, in preparation for the long winter.

Ice Fishing In The New Millennium

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

If you haven’t kept up with the latest innovations, I think you’ll be truly amazed at just how comfortable and enjoyable this sport can be. The days of being hunched over a five gallon pail, hoping to catch a fish, before frost bite sets in are long gone.

High, Hard, and Fast

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

As anglers, we often find ourselves depending much too heavily on what’s “supposed” to work, in any given set of circumstances. The problem with this is that there are no absolutely hard and fast rules that will apply to all situations…at all times. All of us have been thoroughly and painfully taught this lesson more than once. When we are truly most vulnerable to a poor outing is when we “think” we have them figured out. You know what typically results.

Have to Haves for Hardwater

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

It’s now time to drag out all of our ice fishing gear and put some serious thought into what goodies you need to add to your arsenal. Be sure to jot down a list of what you just can’t do without; and conspicuously leave it lying around the house as a not so subtle Christmas wish list. With that in mind, I’ll list some of the most notable new equipment for this year.

GPS On The Ice

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

Now, as the days are growing shorter and the temps begin to drop, many of us are anticipating the hard water season. As I dust off the equipment, I can’t help but to reflect on how far we have progressed in the sport of Ice Fishing.

Get a Kid Off the Couch

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

Here in the Dakota’s, most of us are fortunate enough to enjoy the Outdoors in one form or another. It is this Rural Tradition that keeps many of us here permanently, despite some Economic and Meteorological conditions that people in other parts of the Country might find less than appealing.

First Ice Wish List

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

With the recent-and quite welcome-influx of unseasonably warm weather, most folk’s thoughts are on anything but Ice Fishing. Many of you are probably out happily pounding away on Pheasants and gearing up for Deer Season. But…you should be putting some thought into what is inevitably going to come, and quite frankly will be the best release for our outdoor energies once the hunting seasons draw down.

Fall Back to Quieter Times

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

As we put the month of September behind us; too many of us consider this to be the final chapter of another open water fishing season. As most of us have strong interests in several forms of outdoor activities, such as hunting…fishing often takes a backseat to preparations for the upcoming seasons.

Explore the Possibilities

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

As we begin another open water fishing season, I would encourage you to do something a little different this year and break free from your traditional methods, keep an open mind and try some unfamiliar tactics. Perhaps do so in some new locations, and even some waters you haven’t been on.

Early Fall Search

By Dennis Foster | May 1, 2014

As the days are growing increasingly shorter and we are inching ever closer to the beginning of another hunting season; we sometimes lose sight of all the potentially good to extremely good open water fishing that is left to be had. Real beauty of this is that your tourist types are long gone, along with the frustration they bring. Can be downright peaceful and leaves you to concentrate on finding and catching fish.